Don’t Ignore These Injury Warning Signs

If you suffer from any of the following then please call 01457 837211 and speak to one of our Chartered Physiotherapists and let’s see how we can help.

Joint Pain

Joint pain, particularly in the joints of the knee, ankle, elbow and wrist, should never be ignored. Because these joints are not covered by muscle, pain here is rarely of muscular origin.

Joint pain that lasts more than 48 hours requires a professional diagnosis.


If you can elicit pain at a specific point in a bone, muscle or joint, by pressing your finger into it, you may have a significant injury. If the same spot on the other side of the body does not produce the same pain, you should probably see your health professional.


Nearly all sports or musculoskeletal injuries cause swelling. Swelling is usually quite obvious and can be seen, but occasionally you may just feel as though something is swollen or “full” even though it look normal. Swelling usual goes along with pain, redness and heat.

Reduced Range of Motion

If swelling isn’t obvious, you can usually find it by checking for a reduced range of motion in a joint. If there is significant swelling within a joint, you will lose range of motion.

Compare one side of the body with the other to identify major differences. If there are any, you probably have an injury that needs attention.


Compare sides for weakness by performing the same task. One way to tell is to lift the same weight with the right and left side and look at the result. Or try to place body weight on one leg and then the other.

A difference in your ability to support your weight is another suggestion of an injury that requires attention.

Call our friendly team at Physio-Team works on 01457 837211 if you have any of these injury warning signs.